Wednesday, 27 April 2011


Wow... so... just made a blog. Mainly because I'm bored and think weird things and need a place to put down my thoughts for some reason. Well, yeah. I'm just weird like that. I'm also a drama queen. In both senses. I'm an actor, and I'm overly dramatic about everything - not a bad quailty in my opinion.

Life ain't easy. I've been discovering that recently. Take today for example. It was the first day back in year 12. It made me want to cry/collapse/shoot myself. And honestly if it weren't for my best friend and my boyfriend, I would have at least cried. And no, I don't know how much of that is me being dramatic. It really was horrible and I hated it.

Interesting start... not that anybody probably really cares. But yeah, I needed to put it down. I doubt anybody will ever read this, so I guess it doesn't really matter.

What else might you like to know? Well, I'm a drama queen as has already been established. I'm also a chocoholic. I'm very competitive and like winning. I love Doctor Who and the Mafia. I have an awesome group of friends and an amazing boyfriend. I can tolerate my family on occassion. Currently preparing for two productions, the play Cloudstreet and my Drama 3/4 ensemble. Neither is going too well... :S

There, wasn't that nice? I'll go stop being weird now...

1 comment:

  1. YES! WE ARE NOW CAPABLE OF BEING WEIRD TOGETHER! ISN'T IT AWESOME!? Never stop being weird, life gets too boring if you do. x
